We were definitely sisters in a previous life and share a lot of the same interests and values .... From the sublime ....
To the ridiculous ....
Now, in case you haven't quite got the whole squinting thing right yet, let me describe what she sent me ... Two amazingly interesting motivational books which I am devouring ... I didn't realise I needed so much spiritual help!!
The big pink blob is a shower cap in the shape of a raspberry ... aptly named "Raspberry Beret" OMG, really?? It gets better ... pink false eyelashes ... YES, P-I-N-K!! She reckons that when I dress in my abaya with my face covered except for my eyes - I can flutter my PINK eyelashes and the camel boys will come running .... THAT I have just got to try!
Now, how do you say thank you to someone for coming into your life in such an open and giving way, someone who you have never met and have not known long, but someone who you KNOW you can be yourself with, you can laugh with, you can be silly or serious with.
The Universe is smiling - two TRUE friends have met!
Pink false eyelashes! That's got to be the best thing EVER!
It's also been reported that not all fat burners that claim to contain Hoodia Gordonii are prepared the same. South African scientists have been testing the Hoodia plant since 1996 when they discovered the plant contained a previously unknown molecule, dubbed P57 by Britain's leading pharmaceutical researcher Phytopharm, that replicates the effect glucose has on nerve cells in the brain fooling the body into thinking it is full, even when it is not. What's the finest concerning this merchandise, that this complete eating habits method is very secure for your health and the entire body. The problem that arises with hoodia is not about its side effects but it is about the originality of hoodia.
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