I got some Lopi 100% wool, which is virtually guaranteed to felt if you just wave it over some water. Well, I decided to make a lovely felted bowl for knitting knick-knacks ... So, as per the instructions of several websites I consulted, I knitted with the wool doubled - to ensure that it would be nice and thick in the end.
The tight doubleknitted stitches played havoc with my wrists, but it was finally done ....
It looked like this BEFORE FELTING
The label distinctly says "Gentle handwash in lukewarm water, do not rub or wring" - HAH! With a peverse sense of pleasure ... I proceeded to dunk it in water, I squished it and squashed it, I pummeled it and poked it with a wooden spoon, I mangled it and even mashed it with a potato masher (does it sound like I was having a bit TOO much fun??) I poured a kettleful of boiling water over it - it smelt like a wet sheep, a very DEAD wet sheep! I tossed it into a pillowcase, along with a couple of plastic lids (for extra agitation, you know ... although the only thing getting agitated was ME!) I bunged it into the washing machine with a pair of jeans (for EXTRA agitation ...) and sent it off for 20 minutes of hot water swirling and churning. I could almost HEAR the fibres screaming for mercy .... HHHHAAAHHH!
Opening the washing machine door was like opening a long awaited Christmas present ... with impatience I ripped open the pillowcase and tumbled the contents out ...
It looked like THIS - AFTER FELTING :
Do you think it looks e-x-a-c-t-l-y the same as the "BEFORE" photo????
I told you I am a F***ing failure!! And I now have a lovely, non felted, fairly floppy, pure wool HAT instead!!
If this is 100% wool it should felt up very tight. I find that Knit Pick wools are recommended for felting and are great. I write a column for Craft Gossip and I am sure I have mentioned Knit Pick yarns. First, raise the bowl in cold water and throw it back into the hot water wash for are least 15 minutes. You can even throw it into the dryer. Check my felt column: http://felting.craftgossip.com/
oh dear!
i felt in the dryer! get it wet, squeeze out the excess, and toss it in the dryer with some jeans or a couple of towels for 10 mins. then check it. if it needs more, run it 5 or 10 mins longer. it'll felt up fast once it gets started.
i had a similar problem -- what size needles did you use? i found that you actually want big needles & a holey fabric to get a good felt. 13's on double stranded lite lopi are perfect. you can join my floppy hat (bowl) and purse with yours...
Yeah, ignore the label - use the washer! I've neveer had luck with hand-washing felting...
NOT a failure! The lighter colors are difficult to felt, and sometimes it won't happen. At least, that's what I keep reading - don't use white, they say! Better luck next wash.
If the stitches are tight it is difficult to get the fabric to felt as there is no room for the fibers to rub up against one another. Normally to felt a knitted fabric, you need to use needles that are larger (sometimes much larger) than those suggested on the ball band for the yarn. Hope this helps!
Did you try using regular laundry soap in the wash? I find it is the number one cause of shrinkage especially when you dont want it to shrink.
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